
Another Tag Another Reason To Smile


A~Available/single ?still available 呵呵~~~

B~Best friend ?有四个知心的好姐妹。

C~Cake or pie两个都喜欢。

D~Drink of choice ?台湾珍珠奶茶

E~Essential item you use every day ?手机和电脑咯!

F~Favorite color ?紫色,黑,白

G~Gummybears or worms ?只要是可爱的我都喜欢。


I~Indulgence ?只要是好吃,我都会吃。

J~January or february ?二月(因为是我儿子出生的月份)

K~Kids & their names ?Lucas Lim

L~Life is incomplete without ?家人,老公儿子和好姐妹们。

M~Marriage date ?A memorable date ?结婚四年拍拖四年。

N~Number of siblings ?一个妹妹和弟弟,我是大姐。

O~Oranges or apple ?我比较爱吃甜的水果,两者来选,我选Apple。(因为儿子最会说Apple呵呵~~)

P~Phobias/Fears ?亲人好朋友的离去。

Q~Quote for today ?儿子开开心心健健康康长大,家人朋友都能幸福快乐。

R~Reason to smile ?看见儿子学会新的东西就会很开心的是由心里自然而然的笑出来。

S~Season ?秋天,我喜欢凉凉的感觉。

T~Tag 4 people ?chanelliew ,chloetan, michelle , ah ching

U~Unknow fact about me ?呵呵~~我和野蛮下,(LG说的)

V~Vegetable you don`t like ?苦的就不喜欢吃了,尤其苦瓜。

W~Worst habit ?大女人主意,很情绪化,脾气很坏。

X~X-ray you`ve bad ?没有喔!

Y~Your favorite food ?意大利餐,海鲜,西餐。

Z~Zodiac sign ?狮子座

~~~The Rules~~~

1-Link the person who tagged you .

2-Post the rules on your blog .

3-Share the ABC of you .

4-Tag 4 people at the end of your post by linking to their blobs .

5-Let the 4 tagged people know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website .

6-Do not tag the same person repeatedly but try to tag different people ,so that there is a big network of bloogers doing this blog .

2 条评论:

  1. 原来你来自IPOH...难怪啦...IPOH美女是公认的.:)

    看来...大家的脾气也有的比.我的也不赖. 一发火起来....还是闪开好.:P


  2. Michell~哎呀~~那些都只是别人认为而已啦!对对~~上网才能平衡我们的情绪*0*呵呵~~~
